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Jefferson thinks he could be dealt

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Jefferson Thinks He Could Be Dealt
April 10, 2008 - 11:20 am
Star-Ledger -
Richard Jefferson is having an excellent offensive season, but he knows that he could be dealt over the summer.

"You know, I could be suiting up for someplace else next year. Nobody knows," said Jefferson.

Jefferson has played well with Devin Harris.

"You know, change happens," he said. "I would like to (stay), but change does happen. 'The NBA -- Where Change Happens.' What you would like, and what is a possibility, are two different things." [READ]


Sign me up! Although I don't think they'll trade Jefferson... He's still young and valuable to them... I think if they trade someone it'll be VC...

But even if they do trade him, I bet it'll be to the West and nowhere near LeBron...
He is a Forward though so I am not sure how he fits on this team. He is not the best help defender and his one on one defense is probably mediocre at best. Definitely could be due to the team sucking and the coach sucking because from what I remember he used to be better in this regard and a much better all around player. The thing that I like about him is that he can score and when relied upon to do so he has come through. Definitely would be much more of a threat to have a huge game than anyone besides Lebron that we have now. He has developed a decent jumper and some 3 point range since coming into the league when he had neither. Oh and he would be yet another overpaid player to add to our payroll although that wouldn't matter if he could turn us into a legit championship threat. I'm still not convinced he is a 2nd option kind of guy and I think we need someone that is most definitely a great second option like Redd.
But, but... he's gay? :gheylaf:

Not that there's anything wrong with that :thumbup:
I will be honest with you, Richard Jefferson is one of my least favorite players in the entire NBA.

He is such a crybaby bitch who won't do any dirty work. Yeah he can score, yeah he lives at the line, but when have you ever seen that guy get dirty and grab some rebounds? When has he ever manned up and locked on someone defensively. Correct answer is never.

He's a sissy.
I will be honest with you, Richard Jefferson is one of my least favorite players in the entire NBA.

He is such a crybaby bitch who won't do any dirty work. Yeah he can score, yeah he lives at the line, but when have you ever seen that guy get dirty and grab some rebounds? When has he ever manned up and locked on someone defensively. Correct answer is never.

He's a sissy.

Agreed. And he has awkwardly small ears... very strange:

^^ ya know what they say about guys with small ears...

He is a Forward though so I am not sure how he fits on this team.

I hate it when people dismiss players because they are labeled as a "forward" or "power forward"... It doesn't really matter as offensive sets are basically all set up the same... You have two wing players, two post players and a point guard... It's simple... And on defense you match up with what you think is best, regardless of positions...

I just think to dismiss a player because he plays a certain position is not something we should do... If a player can do what we need him to do, I don't care what position he is classified under...

He is not the best help defender and his one on one defense is probably mediocre at best.

He's certainly not a perimeter stopper and is not a great defender but he is a solid and fully capable one...

With Jefferson likely being the one to defend the best players on the perimeter every night, I don't see that he would have a problem with guys like Ray Allen, Rip Hamilton, Michael Redd, Joe Johnson, Hedo Turkoglu, Andre Iguodala, etc... I think he could certainly be a solid option...

Oh and he would be yet another overpaid player to add to our payroll although that wouldn't matter if he could turn us into a legit championship threat. I'm still not convinced he is a 2nd option kind of guy and I think we need someone that is most definitely a great second option like Redd.

I really do think that a player of Jefferson would take this team to another level... Any player that can average 20 points a game on good percentages, stay healthy, play consistently and play solid defense, would great benefit this team and LeBron...
^^^ good points. I still think he is more of a 3rd option like part of a big 3 such as Arenas, Caron, and Antawn or Garnett, Pierce, Allen....

wouldn't mind having a Lebron, Redd, Jefferson type trio although there are not enough positions for that one unless Lebron played the 4. Do you really think RJ is a second option on a championship caliber team? I'm not convinced.
Hey Jefferson, ya fruitloop! You are welcome here! :gheylaf: :hay:
I will be honest with you, Richard Jefferson is one of my least favorite players in the entire NBA.

He is such a crybaby bitch who won't do any dirty work. Yeah he can score, yeah he lives at the line, but when have you ever seen that guy get dirty and grab some rebounds? When has he ever manned up and locked on someone defensively. Correct answer is never.

He's a sissy.

Who knows, I think maybe that he played even more "sissy-like" ever since the Nets got Vince, and he may look up to Vince ( or down to him, if you know what I mean :uhh: :licker: )

Maybe LeBron could rub off on him :uhh:, to be more of real MAN :king:
Let's say we can get Jefferson.. who are we trading for him??
R Jeff is expensive but a good player. I think he would be fine at the three, slow at the 2 and undersized at the 4. His personal choices probably help his game in the post on both ends of the court :0, but I think most players would just deal with that if they had to. Still not sure he works any magic for us. I think this offseason we will get a really good young center and maybe a power forward to replace AV. There are also a lot of good point guards out there if delonte is not working out, but at the moment it looks like we will be able to cover the point via Delonte and Daniel for the forseeable.

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