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Official Summer 2022 Offseason discussion

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Sep 29, 2007
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Would love to see Mike Brown succeed but he picked just about the hardest place to do it at. Will be loved and worshipped in Cow Town is he gets the Kings to the playoffs for the first time since Prohibition

I wonder if this makes the Kings a natural trading partner for Okoro, given Brown starts his team building on defense?

Not sure how would be useful for us in return? Okoro and Cedi for Barnes?

I suppose a lot depends on who they end up getting in the draft
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Kings gonna King :chuckle:

Kings gonna King :chuckle:
It’s a tough situation for him because take whoever you think is one of the top5 coaches in the NBA, make them the coach of the Kings next year, and it’s probably still a losing record team.

Brown will go in, also probably lead them to a losing record, and for the people who think he’s a bad coach, it just further reinforces that.

No personal investment in him succeeding, just think he’s a nice guy

Would love to see Mike Brown succeed but he picked just about the hardest place to do it at. Will be loved and worshipped in Cow Town is he gets the Kings ti the playoffs for the first time since Prohibition

I wonder if this makes the Kings a natural trading partner for Okoro, given Brown starts his team building on defense?

Not sure how would be useful for us in return? Okoro and Cedi for Barnes?

I suppose a lot depends on who they end up getting in the draft
Mike Brown is a mediocre head coach.

Always has been.

Good assistant, I guess.
I saw the news, came to post it, saw this thread had been created and knew I had been beat....
Mike Brown is a mediocre head coach.

Always has been.
Can't make an argument otherwise.

I'm merely saying, while it's great for him to get another opportunity to re-write the book on him, but bittersweet and so difficult to have it be in a coaches graveyard like Sacramento were the odds are stacked so hard against you(No playoff appearances in 16 straight seasons)

Now, let's say the unthinkable happens(it won't) but say it does: Sacramento wins 48-50 games and advances to the second round of the playoffs. Would that not be enough to make you consider that through experience and continued learning under a variety of great head coaches, he had become a better coach.

Or is there almost no outcome that could change your current existing(and very valid, hell, some would even question him being considered mediocre as a HC) outlook on him?
Good assistant, I guess.
On this part: I think being hired and retained by guys like Carlisle, Pop, and Kerr would suggest that yes, he is considered a very good assistant to have in the brain trust by his peers.

Would love to see Mike Brown succeed but he picked just about the hardest place to do it at. Will be loved and worshipped in Cow Town is he gets the Kings to the playoffs for the first time since Prohibition

I wonder if this makes the Kings a natural trading partner for Okoro, given Brown starts his team building on defense?

Not sure how would be useful for us in return? Okoro and Cedi for Barnes?

I suppose a lot depends on who they end up getting in the draft

No offense, but Okoro and Cedi for Barnes is just a classic homer fantasy trade
He deserves another shot, yes. He did not deserve this.
I don't watch a lot of nuggets ball, and I know he has the numbers, but when I look at jokic, I don't see best player in the NBA. Not even a lock down defender.
Not "even" a lock down defender?

Wow. It's like people just don't understand how good Jokic is.
I don't watch a lot of nuggets ball, and I know he has the numbers, but when I look at jokic, I don't see best player in the NBA. Not even a lock down defender.
I dont think you need to be a lockdown defender to be the best player in the NBA in any given season. Either way best player =/= MVP, even tho I think it does this year. Jokic is so just so so good on offense as an all-around scorer and playmaker that he would be a top 10 player even if he was Vucevic or Drew Gooden on D. As it is, he has improved considerably on defense to the point where he is probably average to slightly above average. Combine that with his offensive production and its no wonder we had what was the best offensive center season in NBA history and one of the best seasons by a player at any position.

This is huge news. Over the past 2 years, Washington had been HEAVILY recruiting Connelly to come back home where he's from and have final say and just as much power running their org (without the equity though). That followed 2 years of heavy recruiting Majiri and offering him the same AND tying in some international perks to their recruiting pitch for him. They struck out both times and many expected Connelly to stay pat after rebuffing his hometown org.

This says alot to me in that:

1: He finally agreed to leave Denver(To me, what 2 summers ago looked like a surefire future perennial contender now looks like a team clouded in injuries to 2 of their top 3 core and the potential that MPJ will be a perennial question mark going forward with his bad back.)
2. That he feels Minnesota is a good investment not just to get that equity (big difference over Minny and Denver/Washington pitches, it's the Pat Riley special) but also we've got to consider that he already has moves in mind for them despite them being locked in to their core with KAT, Ant and DLo on max's, but all of their future firsts after loosing this year's pick GSW, are their very own and only a couple 2nds are owed but the same amount are coming back.

Keep an eye on both Minny AND Denver making moves now that both have changes in front offices. Denver needs to get healthy but then they probably also need to prepare for Jokic being eligible for that super max next offseason with three other max contracts on the books for the next 4 years not including Jokics new deal and Minny is in the tax already for next season with very little wiggle room until DLo comes off in 23-24 with Ant Edwards eligible for his max extension that very same summer and two supporting guys in McDaniels and Vanderbilt due at the same time.

Great get by Minny.

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