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The Fiesta Bowl | #3 Ohio State vs. #2 Clemson | December 31st, 2016 @ 7 PM EST

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The defense finally quit. Can't really blame them at this point.
Had him open by 5 yards. He just can't get the ball to anyone
I don't expect anything, but I think we've all seen enough of the Warriner/Beck duo.
Wide open! Time to sit JT, the dude is running back playing qb
Who we got coming in at RB? I need to see someone e challenging Weber in the off-season.
Had a feeling we would lose, didn't think it would be a total embarrassment. This has been a total fucking beat down in every single way. These teams could play 9 more times and Clemson wins 8 of them....maybe of them
3 plays where someone is wide open. 2 times it's blatantly underthrown, then terribly overthrown. What plays should we be calling?
Weber losing poise after fumbling twice. Stupid push out of bounds.
Who we got coming in at RB? I need to see someone e challenging Weber in the off-season.

Weber will be fine. He needs to get stronger and hold onto the ball. We need someone to challenge the QB. And 59 for that matter.

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