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Intersectionality and race baiting is a tactic, and it's collapsing the left upon itself and pushing moderates to.. whatever the left is not.

Intersectionality is a tactic? And how have you equated intersectionality with race baiting?

How is the left "collapsing?" People didn't vote against the left en masse, the left didn't come out and vote for a centrist DINO.
Don Cheadle is not Mystikal. Lindsay Lohan is not Taylor Swift. I'll do you better: research Lil Wayne's political views and opinions on racism. Or Morgan Freeman. To limit someone's views to the color of their skin or their genitals, is ironically, racist as Fuck and sexist as Fuck.

What do these people have to do with anything?

Telling someone what they can and cannot talk about simply because of their skin or gender is also, racist and sexist as fuck.

No one is telling you what you can and can't talk about. What you're describing has nothing to do with liberalism, feminism, or intersectionality.

I am not the authority on all white males existence, I'm one dude who's seen what I've seen and can study the world around me, just like anyone else

And you've studied feminism? Like, actually studied it?

After reading their thoughts, you can compare it to actual data and statistics and decide what is fair and unfair, maybe. Yes there are high profile rates. You can argue they are deserved in some cases. Do I think black people have it as easy as white people? No. I also don't think it's as simple as saying all black people are worse off than all white people.

No one is saying the bolded. It's a false equivalence designed to mitigate the previous sentence.

There are black members of this site much better off than most white members.

It's not about who is better off, assuming you mean financially, than whom...

There are difficulties both races and both genders face. We all have opportunity too.

This is another false equivalence, I think. There are difficulties and opportunities, but there is also disparity along that spectrum as it relates to race; this is undeniable, and you've said as much in this post.

Today is not the the battle of women's suffrage. Slavery is not in existence, the civil rights movement has happened

We're still battling for women's rights, and no slavery doesn't exist, but that doesn't mean minorities have equal opportunity, or even equal protection under the law in many cases; particularly when the laws themselves are being struct down as explicitly and intently racist.

and single motherhood among the black community has increased


and the graduation of high school rate is pretty shit.

You made this claim in another thread, I pointed out to you that African-American graduation rates and non-White Hispanic graduation rates are similar; whereas White Hispanic and White graduation rates are significantly higher.

Looking within the Hispanic population should point out some degree of causation here; i.e., it would seem the closer the individual is to the normative class, the more likely they are to graduate high school.

Is the country more racist now than it was in 1960?


It is scary to tell people "but only x years ago, this was life". Yes, it was, and acts have been put into place to even those things (I also had nothing to do with past atrocities, so please put down the pitchfork. I don't live in that world, never have, very triggered millennials haven't either, so they should cool their tits w their pussyhats).

No one is coming at you.. No laws are passed against DaveK. You're turning a movement for civil rights into something that's tearing you down personally. This makes no sense.

Some of them racist,like affirmative action or Harvard's strategies on admittance: an Asian person needs to score 300 higher on sats to be considered equal to a black person.

That's not equality.

Nor is it true. As Harvard's board of admissions pointed out. I wrote a post about this in the other thread, and it's the second or third time it's been mentioned, this specific case. I'm not sure why but, I guess it must've come back up on Reddit or something. But, your belief here about racial admittance and test scores is false. Tired of explaining how admissions at Harvard works, but research it yourself and you'll see why it's nonsense.

If we look back on history, and keep writing in things because history was hard for other genders or races, and things have been evened out,

Things have not been evened out. What makes you think things have "evened out?" Because it's not as a bad as the 1960s? That's you're measuring stick? The 1960s where Blacks were being lynched and America was on the verge of chaos?

then you're over compensating because things.. have been evened out already.

According to who? You?

You ... can't understand why someone like me would say that they haven't? Where have you derived this belief that "things have evened out?" What is this based on?

I was barely conscious in 2000, so my life experience is NOT built upon some age where I was superior.

Who is saying you should feel superior?

It's built on today, where there are protected groups specifically organized to fight for their groups rights.. except for white males.

There are numerous groups that fight for the privileges of White males; particularly the GOP.

Wheredoes this ultimately leave the balance if my group is the only one not protected?

Whites as a race are a "protected group."

You're confused some concepts here...

By "protected group" I think you mean "protected class." The Civil Rights Act of 1964 establishes protected classifications as race, color, religion, gender and national origin. Age was added later in 1967. There are other protected classes, but this pretty much covers it for the scope of this conversation.

By definition, if "White" is a race or a color, then it is just as much a protected classification as any other classification based on ethnicity or the color of one's skin.

So, where are you getting this idea that you as a White (color) Male (gender) aren't in a protected class?

Moreover, you've said: "there are protected groups specifically organized to fight for their groups rights"

Again, what exactly do you mean by this?

I get laughed at for voicing opinion on racist, sexist shit from mtv,

You're referring to me again, since I was the person that laughed at you for this....

I was laughing because, in a conversation about policy, race, ethics, and philosophy; you're telling me about something you saw on MTV. Surely you can see why that's funny, right?

CNN etc against white males that is egregious and unwarranted.

I don't remember this one..

A professor tweeting about white genocide and no one bats an eye.

Because he's being facetious. He's a White professor mocking the asinine concept of "White Genocide" that floats around in social media and is used as a rallying cry for those who feel an elevated sense of White resentment.

This was pointed out to you, just as we've talked about several of the points you've raised before.

I'm not sure why you're repeating it... Did you look into this case and really think this guy was calling for the genocide of White people? Do you understand that "White Genocide" is a phrase used by Neo-Nazis and racists to describe a mythical destruction of the White people? Do you understand that he's mocking these people, and your argument here completely misses the nuance in his statement.. or so I hope.

"Oh poor black people. We don't need to hear from black people. My job is to shut black people up and stop them from interrupting "

"All I want for Xmas is a black genocide". How funny is my satire?

It would depend on the context. What's your context?

The problem is that you've equated White and Black as if they're chess pieces (and even in chess, White and Black aren't equivalent); so in your mind, if White=Black, then Black=White, so I can swap White for Black and test any sentence (assertion) and it should still hold true?

Yet, that's obviously not the case.... So again, while you might think this is clever, it's not; it's actually demonstrative of the problem. You don't really conceive of the inequality these millions of people are rallying and decrying. To you, and this is a guess, but I would imagine you feel deep down these folks are somehow out to get you... or as you've put it your "people."

A woman can, and has, chopped a man's dick off and put it in a garbage disposal and it was laughed about by the country.

By everyone universally, huh? All the guys you knew thought that was funny? Because that's not funny to me...

Can you imagine the outrage if a guy cut off his wife's vagina?

Happens all the fucking time....

There'd be riots and the man wouldn't live to see the next day.

So we're not living in the rational world anymore?

You're saying that if a man were to physically/sexually harm a woman there would be riots, and he'd be strung up?

In what universe is this true?

Do you not know the prevalence of rape in society, including our society? These perpetrators are getting strung up in the streets and they don't live to see the next day?

Again, I have to ask, in what universe is this true?? How have you come to believe this??

But I'm deplorable if I don't pay for a woman's meal (even though they make as much money as me..you know how ridiculous it is for a 19 year old guy to buy dinner for a stripper? ...on so many levels?) or do anything to fight back if a woman is violently attacking me.

Who called you deplorable for going dutch? Your just making shit up at this point man..

This isn't 1955 white v black, black person was president of the country until last week,

So what? Does that mean we live in an equal society without disparity? You realize Colin Powell likely could've been President in 2000 had he run... Having a Black President doesn't eliminate systemic and institutional racism; it simply points out that the majority of all people in America would tolerate an African-American as President.

white women have more power than any other demo in the WORLD

That's bullshit if I ever heard it...

It's an outright falsehood, and it's mindboggling outrageous that you could sit here and claim White Women have more power than any other demographic on Earth. That's not remotely true, Dave.

I'm actually a bit shocked you think these things....

and can take away and infringe upon my right to my wages for 18 years, because it's her body her choice.


Wait wait wait wait..

So women's rights over their bodies have infringed upon your rights to wages for 18 years?


If things are different, then you have to adjust the volume and stop watching some of the channels.


Is the black community ok? No.

Is this a conversation about Dave's assessment of the Black community, or equal opportunity?

Why, and what is the cause?

Thought we were talking about equal rights. Now we're talking about the problems of the Black community...

What can we do to help? Are women ok? Yea, they probably are ok.


In your first sentence your railed against intersectionality as race baiting; yet in this sentence you demonstrate exactly why it's needed.

"Is the Black community okay? No."
"Are women okay? Yes."


umm.. If women have it worse off than men, on average; and "black" women exist, then wouldn't Black women have it worse off than Black men and White women and White men?

You realize this is the point of intersectionality... to bring awareness to folks who don't get this point? That "women" includes Black women, Asian women, Hispanic women, LGBTQ women, etc..

This isn't race-baiting.. its a movement about awareness and education.

Why don't we stop divisive identity politics and bring the good of the right and the good of the left together in unison rather than competition?

1) What you call identity politics I call civil rights. You want me to stop advocating for my civil rights; which is not entirely unsurprising because my civil rights, at least to you, hasn't anything to do with you. "We" aren't going to stop advocating for our civil rights.

2) You use the term "we." Who is "we?" I'm a progressive. I have never, once in my life, ever, heard a progressive say the things you've said here. There is no "we" in this conversation unless you're referring to someone that excludes myself and I would imagine anyone who would call themselves a progressive.

3) Competition of ideas is the bedrock of political discourse. We don't need "unison" between ideologies and single-party rule. We need competition. But what we need is rational, educated discourse. That's what's lacking.

Why is there more racial division today, per any race polled, than the was 8 years ago?

You tell me.. You just said we had a Black President so everything must be great right? Or maybe we're seeing a neoreactionary movement that began with what many perceived as losing "their" country? And now they're going to "take their country back" and "make it great again?"

What happened to the message of unity?

How can you and I be united and you obviously don't give a damn about my struggle for civil rights and equality?

You begrudge and deride those who would fight for me as suffering from White guilt, and then lament and attack those within my community for speaking out about first-hand experiences of discrimination.

Identity politics and constant media coverage of hands up don't shoot etc.

So "Hands up, Don't Shoot" describes the entirety of the problem with police brutality and institutional racism within criminal justice? Or it's a convenient tool to use when you don't want these topics discussed -- or, should I say, when you don't want these topics discussed in a manner that displeases your worldview?

Why don't we just decide shit on policy

Since when was civil rights not a policy discussion?

rather than demagoguery from both sides and all demographics? Stop making everyone in the world that isn't like you evil, and just look at facts and decide the best thing to do about each topic?

That's exactly what progressives have been doing for years.

Might be time to look into it.
@David. @Snarly @AnyoneElseWhoHasAProblemWithCivilRights

If you have a problem with me or others organizing movements to fight for our civil rights and the civil rights of others, then just openly say it and stop beating around the bush talking about "unity."

If you have a problem with Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ persons, Jews, the disabled and disadvantaged, organizing to form power structures that can aid in preventing their disenfranchisement then just openly say so... Stop beating around the bush talking about "unity."

And if you don't have a problem with it, just don't understand it, aren't really concerned with being educated about it; then politely, please, get out of our way... We're going to continue to fight to get what we're due, and have been due for a long time coming.

Hope that makes the message a bit clearer.
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@David. @Snarly @AnyoneElseWhoHasAProblemWithCivilRights

If you have a problem with me or others organizing movements to fight for our civil rights and the civil rights of others, then just openly say it and stop beating around the bush talking about "unity."

If you have a problem with Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ persons, Jews, the disabled and disadvantaged, organizing to form power structures that can aid in preventing their disenfranchisement then just openly say so... Stop beating around the bush talking about "unity."

And if you don't have a problem with it, just don't understand it, aren't really concerned with being educated about it; then politely, please, get out of our way... We're going to continue to fight to get what we're due, and have been due for a long time coming.

Hope that makes the message a bit clearer.

What are your thoughts on the disabled being payed less than minimum wage through vocational rehab? It's some crazy shit that I experienced first hand.
Snarly, your post is an example as to why these folks tend to vote liberal.

As to why Republicans aren't very likely to win the popular vote moving forward.

If my civil rights mean nothing to you, then how can we form a coalition? Obviously, if this is the case, then we are political opposed on the most important matters pertaining to my life, if anything.

It's funny to hear people talk about business and fiscal policy in a broad sense as if American macroeconomics supersedes one's personal interests in their civil/human rights.

I understand this is an oversimplification, but this is what I'm seeing. There's 3 fundamental groups of people:

Group A believes that A > B

Group B believes that B > A

Group C believes that A = B

Group A are a bunch of asshats
Group B are a bunch of asshats
Group C are sick of Group A and B's BS.

Wow, the entire last part of this post got cut off somehow, my bad!

I look at stuff like this. Group C makes sense to me, that's how I think. So when you're talking policy, laws, standards, anything that calls for equality, that's the logic I apply. The other Groups may have their own reasoning or justification for their beliefs, but in the end, they're both pushing inequality.
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What are your thoughts on the disabled being payed less than minimum wage through vocational rehab? It's some crazy shit that I experienced first hand.

It's an interesting question. I had a family member working for a Goodwill store a few years ago, and they had a mentally challenged individual working there doing small jobs and such. He mentioned the pay discrepancy and that sparked a big discussion.

I'm really torn, on one hand, it doesn't meet my A = B standard I apply to things. So at it's root, I think it's unfair.
However, would these folks get employment if they had to pay equal?

I think the wrong metric is being used, it should be based off of production. If both employees produce the same quality work, pay should be the same. They should not set a rate based off of a disabled checkbox.

I'm not sure of your situation, or if the lowered wage is the same reason this individual was employed at that rate, but it made me remember that issue.
It's an interesting question. I had a family member working for a Goodwill store a few years ago, and they had a mentally challenged individual working there doing small jobs and such. He mentioned the pay discrepancy and that sparked a big discussion.

I'm really torn, on one hand, it doesn't meet my A = B standard I apply to things. So at it's root, I think it's unfair.
However, would these folks get employment if they had to pay equal?

I think the wrong metric is being used, it should be based off of production. If both employees produce the same quality work, pay should be the same. They should not set a rate based off of a disabled checkbox.

I'm not sure of your situation, or if the lowered wage is the same reason this individual was employed at that rate, but it made me remember that issue.

You're correct we would not be hired. Disabilities come in all shapes and sizes. They tested what I could do. I screwed screws, I put shapes in the holes they belonged in. I then interviewed for training in computers. I waited for years for the funding to be available for school, but it never was.

What I was offered was a job in a factory for 2 bucks an hour at 40 hours per week. I asked why I can't be paid minimum wage, and it's all to with the requirements to stay eligible for Medicaid. She told me it's more for self worth than money. Gee thanks for making me feel worthless.

There is a reason 60% of us are unemployed. It all has to do with the state of our healthcare system.
You're correct we would not be hired. Disabilities come in all shapes and sizes. They tested what I could do. I screwed screws, I put shapes in the holes they belonged in. I then interviewed for training in computers. I waited for years for the funding to be available for school, but it never was.

What I was offered was a job in a factory for 2 bucks an hour at 40 hours per week. I asked why I can't be paid minimum wage, and it's all to with the requirements to stay eligible for Medicaid. She told me it's more for self worth than money. Gee thanks for making me feel worthless.

There is a reason 60% of us are unemployed. It all has to do with the state of our healthcare system.

Ya, I guess there is the issue of Social Security. Can't get that and work a job, or they take what you make away from your payment.

Is that your case or are you trying to get a legit job and want to lose the social security payout? If it's the latter, can't you apply for the position through normal channels and receive a normal wage?
Ya, I guess there is the issue of Social Security. Can't get that and work a job, or they take what you make away from your payment.

Is that your case or are you trying to get a legit job and want to lose the social security payout? If it's the latter, can't you apply for the position through normal channels and receive a normal wage?
The issue I was having was being referred to vocational rehab in the job interviews. And vocational rehab will only help me if I'm on medicaid. Then you can't make more than 400 per month to stay eligible for medicaid. SSI is actually very flexible with working, its medicaid that is the issue.
The issue I was having was being referred to vocational rehab in the job interviews. And vocational rehab will only help me if I'm on medicaid. Then you can't make more than 400 per month to stay eligible for medicaid. SSI is actually very flexible with working, its medicaid that is the issue.

Gotcha, thanks for sharing. I'm kind of fresh to this whole thing. I'm still unable to walk, so I haven't exactly started trying to rejoin the world yet, so to speak.
Gotcha, thanks for sharing. I'm kind of fresh to this whole thing. I'm still unable to walk, so I haven't exactly started trying to rejoin the world yet, so to speak.

I had no idea. Did you get into an accident? Also if you worked before and became disabled you have a lot more options.
I had no idea. Did you get into an accident? Also if you worked before and became disabled you have a lot more options.

Thanks, it's all good. I came down w/ Guillan Barre Syndrome pretty hard in '15. Was a quad for about 3 months, on a vent and such. Ya, it sucked, but out of that dark area now. :)

I did work before, and fortunately had opted for LTD.
What do these people have to do with anything?

No one is telling you what you can and can't talk about. What you're describing has nothing to do with liberalism, feminism, or intersectionality.

And you've studied feminism? Like, actually studied it?

No one is saying the bolded. It's a false equivalence designed to mitigate the previous sentence.

It's not about who is better off, assuming you mean financially, than whom...

This is another false equivalence, I think. There are difficulties and opportunities, but there is also disparity along that spectrum as it relates to race; this is undeniable, and you've said as much in this post.

We're still battling for women's rights, and no slavery doesn't exist, but that doesn't mean minorities have equal opportunity, or even equal protection under the law in many cases; particularly when the laws themselves are being struct down as explicitly and intently racist.


You made this claim in another thread, I pointed out to you that African-American graduation rates and non-White Hispanic graduation rates are similar; whereas White Hispanic and White graduation rates are significantly higher.

Looking within the Hispanic population should point out some degree of causation here; i.e., it would seem the closer the individual is to the normative class, the more likely they are to graduate high school.


No one is coming at you.. No laws are passed against DaveK. You're turning a movement for civil rights into something that's tearing you down personally. This makes no sense.

Nor is it true. As Harvard's board of admissions pointed out. I wrote a post about this in the other thread, and it's the second or third time it's been mentioned, this specific case. I'm not sure why but, I guess it must've come back up on Reddit or something. But, your belief here about racial admittance and test scores is false. Tired of explaining how admissions at Harvard works, but research it yourself and you'll see why it's nonsense.

Things have not been evened out. What makes you think things have "evened out?" Because it's not as a bad as the 1960s? That's you're measuring stick? The 1960s where Blacks were being lynched and America was on the verge of chaos?

According to who? You?

You ... can't understand why someone like me would say that they haven't? Where have you derived this belief that "things have evened out?" What is this based on?

Who is saying you should feel superior?

There are numerous groups that fight for the privileges of White males; particularly the GOP.

Whites as a race are a "protected group."

You're confused some concepts here...

By "protected group" I think you mean "protected class." The Civil Rights Act of 1964 establishes protected classifications as race, color, religion, gender and national origin. Age was added later in 1967. There are other protected classes, but this pretty much covers it for the scope of this conversation.

By definition, if "White" is a race or a color, then it is just as much a protected classification as any other classification based on ethnicity or the color of one's skin.

So, where are you getting this idea that you as a White (color) Male (gender) aren't in a protected class?

Moreover, you've said: "there are protected groups specifically organized to fight for their groups rights"

Again, what exactly do you mean by this?

You're referring to me again, since I was the person that laughed at you for this....

I was laughing because, in a conversation about policy, race, ethics, and philosophy; you're telling me about something you saw on MTV. Surely you can see why that's funny, right?

I don't remember this one..

Because he's being facetious. He's a White professor mocking the asinine concept of "White Genocide" that floats around in social media and is used as a rallying cry for those who feel an elevated sense of White resentment.

This was pointed out to you, just as we've talked about several of the points you've raised before.

I'm not sure why you're repeating it... Did you look into this case and really think this guy was calling for the genocide of White people? Do you understand that "White Genocide" is a phrase used by Neo-Nazis and racists to describe a mythical destruction of the White people? Do you understand that he's mocking these people, and your argument here completely misses the nuance in his statement.. or so I hope.

It would depend on the context. What's your context?

The problem is that you've equated White and Black as if they're chess pieces (and even in chess, White and Black aren't equivalent); so in your mind, if White=Black, then Black=White, so I can swap White for Black and test any sentence (assertion) and it should still hold true?

Yet, that's obviously not the case.... So again, while you might think this is clever, it's not; it's actually demonstrative of the problem. You don't really conceive of the inequality these millions of people are rallying and decrying. To you, and this is a guess, but I would imagine you feel deep down these folks are somehow out to get you... or as you've put it your "people."

By everyone universally, huh? All the guys you knew thought that was funny? Because that's not funny to me...

Happens all the fucking time....

So we're not living in the rational world anymore?

You're saying that if a man were to physically/sexually harm a woman there would be riots, and he'd be strung up?

In what universe is this true?

Do you not know the prevalence of rape in society, including our society? These perpetrators are getting strung up in the streets and they don't live to see the next day?

Again, I have to ask, in what universe is this true?? How have you come to believe this??

Who called you deplorable for going dutch? Your just making shit up at this point man..

So what? Does that mean we live in an equal society without disparity? You realize Colin Powell likely could've been President in 2000 had he run... Having a Black President doesn't eliminate systemic and institutional racism; it simply points out that the majority of all people in America would tolerate an African-American as President.

That's bullshit if I ever heard it...

It's an outright falsehood, and it's mindboggling outrageous that you could sit here and claim White Women have more power than any other demographic on Earth. That's not remotely true, Dave.

I'm actually a bit shocked you think these things....


Wait wait wait wait..

So women's rights over their bodies have infringed upon your rights to wages for 18 years?



Is this a conversation about Dave's assessment of the Black community, or equal opportunity?

Thought we were talking about equal rights. Now we're talking about the problems of the Black community...


In your first sentence your railed against intersectionality as race baiting; yet in this sentence you demonstrate exactly why it's needed.

"Is the Black community okay? No."
"Are women okay? Yes."


umm.. If women have it worse off than men, on average; and "black" women exist, then wouldn't Black women have it worse off than Black men and White women and White men?

You realize this is the point of intersectionality... to bring awareness to folks who don't get this point? That "women" includes Black women, Asian women, Hispanic women, LGBTQ women, etc..

This isn't race-baiting.. its a movement about awareness and education.

1) What you call identity politics I call civil rights. You want me to stop advocating for my civil rights; which is not entirely unsurprising because my civil rights, at least to you, hasn't anything to do with you. "We" aren't going to stop advocating for our civil rights.

2) You use the term "we." Who is "we?" I'm a progressive. I have never, once in my life, ever, heard a progressive say the things you've said here. There is no "we" in this conversation unless you're referring to someone that excludes myself and I would imagine anyone who would call themselves a progressive.

3) Competition of ideas is the bedrock of political discourse. We don't need "unison" between ideologies and single-party rule. We need competition. But what we need is rational, educated discourse. That's what's lacking.

You tell me.. You just said we had a Black President so everything must be great right? Or maybe we're seeing a neoreactionary movement that began with what many perceived as losing "their" country? And now they're going to "take their country back" and "make it great again?"

How can you and I be united and you obviously don't give a damn about my struggle for civil rights and equality?

You begrudge and deride those who would fight for me as suffering from White guilt, and then lament and attack those within my community for speaking out about first-hand experiences of discrimination.

So "Hands up, Don't Shoot" describes the entirety of the problem with police brutality and institutional racism within criminal justice? Or it's a convenient tool to use when you don't want these topics discussed -- or, should I say, when you don't want these topics discussed in a manner that displeases your worldview?

Since when was civil rights not a policy discussion?

That's exactly what progressives have been doing for years.

Might be time to look into it.
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